Floral Sources
Bees will forage in a 5 mile area around their hive. As a result, most Michigan honey is "wildflower" meaning it originates from a whole variety of plants. Our honey is predominately alfalfa, clover, maple, dandelion, rape, goldenrod, soy bean, thistle, etc. As a result, it has a robust sweet taste that is more flavorful than grocery store honey and not as strong as some varietal honeys.
Pesticide levels
We've had our honey analyzed by the USDA and we're GREAT!! Of the over 150 pesticides tested, we were below detectable levels in all except 2. These two were Coumaphos and Coumaphos oxon. As a result of this analysis we no longer use coumaphos and haven't for years.

Our Customers
Read real testimonials from happy honey lovers!
About Windmill Hill Farm
Windmill Hill Farm honey is non pasteurized honey straight from the bees to you! The bees feed on an abundance of natural Michigan wildflowers and apple trees supplemented with some local clover fields. If you're interested in trying some of our honey, you may find it convenient to visit one of our retail outlets. Or, you can visit our online store.
What is creamed honey?
Creamed honey is a smooth and spreadable variation of honey that has been processed to control crystallization. It is made by blending finely crystallized honey with liquid honey to achieve a creamy texture, making it easy to spread on bread, toast, or other foods without dripping. Creamed honey retains all the natural flavors and health benefits of raw honey while offering a delightful consistency that enhances its culinary versatility.
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